Title: Colour Meditation Aids
Artist: Geoffrey Pugen
Date: 2017
Format: Pill bottles containing USB drive with 5 minute meditation aid
Pill bottles containing USB drive with 5 minute meditation aid, with each colour gradient prescription filled to order from the following selection:
Atomic Tangerine
dynamic, transform
Infinite Void
confront, reflection, creativity
Nude Nude
calm, sensual, love
Very Hot Pink
optimism, dazzling, original
Blue Chill
experience, disruptor
Strawberry Shortcake
fluffy, light, air
Xanadu Zen
togetherness, harmony, clairvoyant
Blue Lightning
upward, protection, observe
Double Teal
togetherness, strength, durability
Sensitive Silver
glamour, communication, mystic
Orange Twilight
brave, courage, energy
Quantum Yellow
infinite, connection, multi-dimensional
Third Eye Chai
robust, spicy, truth
Compassion Red
heal, faith, love
Blue Youth
power, release, lust
Intrepid Aquamarine
femininity, depth, cyclical
Overwhelming Bone
strength, primordial, uncovering
Looping Coral
sensual, romantic, nurture
Expansive Gray
open, responsive, giving
Vibrational Purple
peace, devotion, dignity
Ancient Cinnamon
earth, lust, connection
California Yellow
warnings, clarity, activity
Leviathan Blue
psychic, conductor, mirror
Subconscious Amber
astral, grounding, calm
Prosperous Gold
power, agility, adaptive
Green Laser
spring, nature, balance
Halcyon Ruby
bold, cathartic, peace
Sensitive Silver
intuitive, generous, open
Purple Sky
wealth, ambition, wisdom
Minted Green
sunshine, clarity, happiness