Title: Every Building In The Sunset Strip
Artist: Dave Dyment
Medium: Publication
Size: 5.5 x 7in
Year: 2015
Softcover, accordion fold, 53 pages
In 1966 Ed Ruscha produced one of the most revered artists’ books ever published, using images created by driving along Los Angeles's Sunset Strip and documenting each building with a camera on a tripod in the back of his truck. Fourty-nine years later, Dyment’s project remakes Ed Ruscha's "Every Building On The Sunset Strip" in the form of texts, unearthing stories about each building featured in Ruscha’s Strip. Unlike the deliberately dispassionate portraits by Ruscha, the anecdotes feature crime, car chases, romantic entanglements, and riots. Taken sequentially, they suggest an intertwined narrative while presenting an historic overview of the famous two-and-a-half kilometre stretch of the boulevard.